Dry January is a great opportunity to explore what sobriety can feel like for you. Today, I’m sharing my top tips for how to make your Dry January a life changing experience… potentially one that will last far beyond this month.
If this is your first break from alcohol, I’m so proud of you! You are giving yourself a gift.

If you feel like you’ve been tricked too many times (whether it’s been 20 years, 15 years, 10 years, or even 30) you may have realized that you keep ending up in the same place, struggling with alcohol. If you’re tired of that cycle and curious to see if life is better without it, this is the place for you.
Here’s a big spoiler alert: it is. Life is so much better without alcohol. Motherhood is so much more fulfilling without alcohol. And while it’s not always easy, sobriety means you’re not letting alcohol make it harder.
Alcohol promises a lot, but it often leaves us disappointed. We think it will deliver the ease, relaxation, or control we seek, only to find that those promises fall short. Once alcohol takes over, moderation becomes nearly impossible. That’s why attempting to moderate a highly addictive substance like alcohol often feels like a battle you can’t win.
Your world can change (if you want it to) and that change can start today.
Tell the Truth
Dive into the world of quit lit. Read everything you can, binge sober podcasts, and soak up stories about others’ journeys. I wanted to uncover the truth about alcohol: what it really is, what it does, and how it impacts lives. Once I understood what it had done to others, I could finally recognize what it was doing to me. Knowledge is power, and understanding is the first step to breaking free.
Make the decision, and let it be the end of the back-and-forth. Deciding is liberating because it silences the mental chatter that’s been running your life. Suddenly, you have room to breathe, to think, and to explore what sobriety is really about. No more exhausting push and pull (leave that behind). Embrace the clarity of a choice made for your freedom, and don’t drag that old noise into your new life.
Avoid the Countdown Trap
This isn’t about counting down to your next drink; it’s about discovering life without alcohol. Once you truly understand the truth about alcohol (what it is, and what it’s taken from you) you’ll realize you don’t want it back. You won’t just learn to live without it; you’ll learn to thrive, free from its grip.
Get Curious
Sobriety isn’t about deprivation. It’s about discovery. Get curious about how life feels without alcohol. How does your skin glow now? How’s your energy? How do mornings feel when you wake up clear-headed? Let curiosity lead you to notice the little joys you might have overlooked before.
Write it down
Put your thoughts, feelings, and discoveries on paper. Write about the changes you’re noticing (both the good and the challenging). Maybe you feel more present but also more irritable at times. That’s okay. When the urge to reach for a glass of wine strikes, pause and ask yourself what you really need. Perhaps you’ll find that you just need 20 minutes of alone time to reset, and you can confidently tell your kids, “I need a little space right now.” Sobriety helps you understand and honor your needs in a way alcohol never could.
Count the ‘Firsts’
Celebrate the milestones! Maybe it’s your first girls’ night, holiday, or birthday party without alcohol. How do you know it won’t be just as fun—if not better—without it? As long as you enjoy the company of the people around you, alcohol isn’t what makes the moment special. Life’s most meaningful connections and experiences come from presence, not a drink in your hand. And the best part? No shame, no regrets… just genuine fun.
You’re not alone.
I created The Sober Mom Life Café so women could have a safe space to explore their relationship with alcohol and find freedom in sobriety. We have Zoom Peer Support meetings every single day, sometimes multiple meetings a day. You felt alone in your drinking. You don’t have to feel alone in sobriety.
Click below to try the Cafe FREE for one week.
Don’t miss my podcast, The Sober Mom Life! We have new episodes every Monday . You can find it wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.