This could not be more true about moderation and sobriety.
The mental gymnastics of moderation can be exhausting and terribly shame-inducing. It puts all of the pressure on you to control the situation, and it erases the facts about alcohol… such as the fact that alcohol is one of the most addictive drugs in existence.
Today, I encourage you to consider a path where you truly are in control: sobriety. It might feel like a dramatic change, but just ask yourself what could be waiting for you on the other side.
For me and so many women, a life of sobriety is one of relief, growth… and freedom.
So, the next time you ask yourself, is sobriety really easier than moderation?, remember to pause, consider to choose on things that help us cope, feel things, heal, connect and have fun without alcohol. You will find yourself not counting down to when you can drink again, instead you’ll be focusing on a full, gratifying and nourished life.
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My mocktail recipe book, ‘No Ethanol Needed’ is finally here! Grab your copy here