The ‘firsts’ are often the hardest moments in early sobriety, and as we enter the Christmas season, a lot of scary firsts are on the horizon. If your idea of your first sober Christmas feels overwhelming, keep reading!
Today I’m sharing 5 tips for your first sober Christmas that will help you navigate your first sober holiday.
Remember, I’m cheering you on! You deserve a chance to see what sobriety can feel like.
You’ve got this!
The reasons are endless, but let’s start with my top 5 tips for your first sober Christmas…
Allow Yourself The Chance To Be Sober
This Christmas, you’re choosing to see what a sober holiday feels like. You’re deciding right now that this season, alcohol won’t have a place in your celebrations. No matter what unfolds—whether someone hands you a glass of wine, the holiday bustle stirs up some anxiety, or you feel like the only one not drinking—you’re sticking to your choice. It’s okay if this makes your heart race or your palms sweat. Let it happen; it’s all part of the journey. The magic lies in the decision. You’ve already made it. This Christmas, you’re giving yourself the gift of freedom.
Preparation Is Key
Next, we’re getting ready. Think about how you’ll respond if someone asks if you’re going to have a drink. You can write your response down and practice in front of the mirror. Try saying, “Oh, that’s okay, do you have any sparkling water?” or “That’s okay, thanks, I brought my own mocktail.” Or simply, “That’s okay, thanks, I’m not drinking tonight.” Use whatever feels right for you. There’s no perfect way to say it. We’re going into this with a plan—just because you’re not drinking alcohol doesn’t mean you’re not enjoying something. Right? That would be a little wild… If you’re hosting, offer a mocktail option. If you’re visiting someone, bring your own drink. If you’re comfortable, let the host know what you’d like to enjoy. With all the great sparkling water options available, you’ve got plenty of choices.
Leave Room For Surprise
Allow room for the unexpected. Let go of the need to overthink what others might do or say. So often, we get stuck in the spiral of hypotheticals, assuming the worst. But remember, if someone does ask about it, it won’t last long, and you’ve got this. Their reaction is about them, not you. We build up these moments in our minds, expecting confrontation, but more often than not, people respond with understanding—maybe even sharing their own journey. Then the worry fades, and you realize it wasn’t as overwhelming as it seemed. Whatever comes your way, you’ll handle it with grace. Trust yourself.
Get Curious
Notice, and get curious this Christmas. Pay attention to the moments you might have missed before. Maybe you’ll feel more connected with your family, able to recognize those small, heartfelt moments. Think of yourself as a camera, capturing these moments and truly absorbing them. You’ll see, in real time, how alcohol can take those moments away—stealing the magic of the present. Use this season as a chance to get curious, to soak in the beautiful moments all around you.
Call It A Night
Call it a night. When you’re tired, it’s perfectly okay to head home to rest. Make it part of your plan to prioritize your well-being. You get to drive yourself home, knowing you’re taking care of yourself. Then, give yourself credit for making that choice—climbing into your cozy bed and enjoying a peaceful, restful sleep. Tomorrow morning, you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and amazing. Only you know when you’re ready to go, and no one else can decide that for you. The beauty of sobriety is knowing what you need and honoring it.
Where to Find Support Online
Finding a supportive community is key, especially in early sobriety. I created The Sober Mom Life Cafe to provide women a place to openly examine their relationships with alcohol without judgment and shame. We have Zoom Peer Support meetings every day of the week, along with a monthly Quit Lit book club and an exclusive feed and chat, which is like Facebook, but even better.
Don’t miss my podcast, The Sober Mom Life! We have new episodes every Monday and Friday. You can find it wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.