Spring is well underway, which means the warmer weather is on its way and the air no longer hurts my face!
Today I’m sharing 25 alcohol-free activities to do this spring. If you’re like the rest of society, you might assume that everything fun includes alcohol. Oh, man. If I could tell you one thing (well, I would tell you a lot more than one thing), but for now, here’s this: Alcohol steals the fun.
Did you know that?
Maybe it’s time to try a few sober firsts. Take your pick of anything on this list, and soak up the magic of not letting alcohol steal the fun or memories…

(I make commissions off the links in this post.)

1. HEAD TO YOUR LOCAL BOTANIC GARDENS. If you live in this Chicago area, I can’t recommend the Chicago Botanic Gardens enough. It’s one of our favorite places to go in spring and summer. Check out the butterfly exhibit – it’s always a hit.
2. HOST A GAME NIGHT. We love family game nights! Our most recent favorite is this card game. SO damn funny.
3. NUTURE YOUR GREEN THUMB. There’s just something about getting your hands in the dirt and feeling the sun on your shoulders.
4. TREAT YOURSELF TO A SPA DAY. I’m telling you, the spa is SO much better without the champagne. You can hydrate and leave feeling even better than when you got there.
5. TAKE A HIKE. Get out there in nature. It helps…everything.

6. GET CREATIVE WITH MOCKTAILS. Not sure where to start? Get my mocktail Ebook: No Ethanol Needed for only $7!
7. HEAD TO THE FARMER’S MARKET. Is it just me, or does going to the farmer’s market make anyone else feel like they are a child of the earth and you have your entire life together?
8. GO TO A ROCK CLIMBING GYM. There’s one thing about rock climbing – you’ll forget about everything else when you’re on the wall and looking for that next hold.
9. HIT UP YOUR LOCAL MUSEUM. How cool is it that we get to continue learning even in adulthood? Take advantage of your local museums.
10. GET ORGANIZED. My favorite spring activity! As soon as the temps warm up, I open the windows, turn on some great tunes and get organized.
11. PACK A PICNIC. The kids and I just had a picnic today in our backyard. It was so fun and nothing fancy. Just grab a blanket, make a few sandwiches and head outside.
12. GO FLY A KITE. Alright, this one can be stressful, but once you get it, it’s the best feeling. A great way to practice feeling uncomfortable…? Lol.
13. THROW AN 80’S PARTY. Chances are you didn’t drink in the ’80’s, so doesn’t it feel nice to go back to those days??
14. COLOR. Ahhh, the most relaxing thing ever. I can get lost in coloring, whether it’s with my kids or on my own with a good adult coloring book.
15. GO BOWLING. It can feel so good to throw that big ball down the lane. Get out that aggression.

16. MAKE A READING NOOK. Snuggle up with your favorite in a special cozy place in your home.
17. GO FOR A DRIVE. Does anyone else love a good drive? I love to hit the open road, crank up the tunes, sing my heart out.
18. TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME. Bring on the cotton candy and popcorn! I couldn’t care less about baseball, but I love snacks and sunshine.
19. BECOME A CARD SHARK. Learn how to play poker, or just stick with Uno!
20. TAKE A KICKBOXING CLASS. In case bowling wasn’t enough, I highly recommend kickboxing. Lol.
21. HAVE AN OUTDOOR FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT. I have plans to do this this summer. We’ll rent a screen and a projector and invite our neighbors to our backyard for a fun viewing of NOT a cartoon kid’s movie.

Are you drooling over these flowers in the lobby of The Plaza hotel in NYC??
22. TAKE A FLORAL ARRANGEMENT CLASS. Ask your local florist if they host a class! If not, ask if you can get your friends together for a class in your home.
23. HIT THE PICKLEBALL OR PADDLE COURT. OK, I know, I know. Pickleball gets a bad rap, but it has to be fun, right?? The Mister and I love to play paddle on our date nights.
24. TRY A NEW RECIPE. Whether it’s baking or cooking, try something new. I can fall into a cooking rut, but I love trying new recipes.
25. MAKE A VISION BOARD. Before you roll your eyes about manifesting, I’m telling you – don’t knock it! This is a fun thing to do with ‘tweens, too. I try to do this once a year and spring is a great time to make it happen.